
“A story—a true story—can heal as much as medicine can.”

-Eben Alexander

Submissions are LIVE!

We are currently accepting submissions for our Spring 2024 issue on the theme Departure & Arrival.

With a shift of seasons underway how do we conceive of the meaning of departures and arrivals in the setting of ourselves, our training, our relationships with patients, and the field of healthcare at large? In a field centered around innovation, change is inevitable. But with these changes what is left behind or discarded in the process? What do these changes reflect in ourselves, our communities, and our vision for healing? 

In this setting how does departure take on new forms? As a momentary passing, a divergence from expected norms, or the final step in crossing over beyond life - how do we tie ourselves to this term? And as we conceive of an arrival, do we hope for a full understanding of self? A physical location? Or another flashing alarm in an overloaded system and mind? How do we find balance in ourselves, our work, and our relationships with those we care for in the ever-revolving door of healthcare?   

Submissions are open through Sunday, May 12th at 11:59PM EST.

We welcome reflective pieces, humor, fiction, creative nonfiction, video, art, photography, and expressions from all students and trainees in the medical fields on the humanity and inhumanity of medicine. We are especially interested in stories of struggle, the voices of those who’ve taken unusual routes to medicine, those who are underrepresented in medical fields, our colleagues who identify as POC or members of the LGBTQIA+ community, and of course, we want to hear your story; whomever you may be.

Submission Criteria:

  • All submissions must be submitted by individuals who are students/trainees in a medical field (including but not limiting the fields of medicine, nursing, pharmacy, dentistry, etc).

  • Intellectual property rights are retained by the author.

  • All work submitted becomes the property of Auxocardia and may be reproduced in part or whole at the discretion of the editors. All work submitted is subject to requests for edits at the discretion of the editors.

  • We reserve the right to decline any admissions that do not meet our submission criteria or do not meet our editorial standards for publication.

  • Of course, we require any piece that references or refers to patient narratives to be completely de-identified and without any protected health information.

  • As always, feel free to reach out to us for collaborations and features.

  • We follow FNASR for published work. We are a proud member of the CLMP.


  • Prizes will be awarded to the top submission in each of the following categories: Creative Writing, Poetry, and Visual Art.

  • $200 award will be distributed to each winner at time of publication.